Turning Survive Into Thrive

Live Team Training

Leadership coaching is a personalized development process that enhances an individual’s ability to lead teams and organizations effectively. This level of coaching is a powerful tool for personal growth and organizational success, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

Effectively Manage Stress

Learn top stress management strategies and tactics needed to overcome stress, and fatigue. Employees will walk away with the tools to sustain a positive wellbeing and thrive even in the most stressful times.

Increase Productivity

Companies with employees who report a strong mental and emotional connection to their workplace have a 17% higher productivity rate and 21% higher profitability. This training will help you and your team level up.

Improve Communication

Without strong communication within your organization, true progress and growth will be handicapped. Learn the hidden impact your stress is having on those around you and 3 tactics to fix it.

Join Our Customized Training: Mastering Stress Management for Your Team

We want to invite you and your team to join us for this very important, customized training where we provide your team with the necessary skills to combat stress in their lives and in the workplace.

Why Invest in Leaders and Employees?

#1 Reason employees leave their job is due to a poor experience with their manager/leader

11-29% increase in profit for companies that go through our High-Performance Training Programs.

Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person, not just an employee, are more productive, fulfilled and satisfied. Satisfied employees mean satisfied clients/customers, which leads to profitability.

More highly motivated employees. Employees who report feeling valued by their employer are far more likely to report they are motivated to do their very best for their employer. A workplace study conducted by the American Psychological Association with Harris Interactive found that employed adults who feel valued by their employer are significantly more likely to report being motivated to do their very best for their employer (93% vs. 33%). They are also more likely to report they would recommend their workplace to others (85% vs. 19%).

Firms with highly engaged teams achieve 24% lower turnover

Companies with highly engaged employees have 17% higher productivity and an average of 21% higher profitability.

Employee Engagement defined: Employee engagement is the strength of the emotional and mental connection an employee feels towards their place of work.

Better overall healthcare outcomes. In an article in the Harvard Business Review researchers reported on the high cost of stress and disengagement in the workforce. They reported that health care expenditures at high-pressure companies are nearly 50 percent greater than at other organizations.

The most effective leaders connect with their employees and inspire them to do more. By engaging with team members, leaders boost morale, engagement and excitement. People don’t listen to leaders until they know and understand that those leaders care.

Reserve a LIVE 2-Hour Team Training Today

This live training will be customized to the specific challenges that you and your team are experiencing today. During a pre-training consultation we will evaluate the challenges you and your team are currently facing, the ways this is manifesting within your business and specifically tailor this training to fit your company’s needs.

Case Study #1

Problem: Client came to us because there were some inflamed conversations happening not typical for their culture/values. Unproductive conversations. Tempers flaring.
Insights: When we evaluated further it all came down to the disconnect in terms of communication. People being in different places (mentally and physically) at different times and the challenges happening as result. Emotions are high. Manifesting differently than it has in the past based on the landscape of the times we are in. Communication or lack thereof, was creating a tremendous about of stress both professionally and personally for the team. They transitioned 55 employees to work remotely. Most of those roles need to interact with each other daily. Employees were out of their comfort zone, out of their usual environment and trying to navigate a lot of change. To say everyone was stressed is an understatement.
What was the result/outcome of the workshop? – We helped the team gain clarity around where the disconnects were and where they stemmed from and provided tactics for communicating more effectively. Provided tactics and tools for better communication moving forward.

Case Study #2

Problem: Employees struggling with maintaining productivity/output.

Insights: Employees were under a tremendous amount of stress due to all of the change and uncertainty they were experiencing. The transition to working from home, couple with drastic change to their personal and professional life was dramatically impacting their productivity/output. Some had to become teachers, daycares closed, trips were cancelled, spouses’ jobs lost, fear of getting sick, bottom falling out of economy and retirements being impacted, everyday normalcy changed and their entire lives felt in flux. There mindset/psychology was impacted big time from the stress they were under, which of course was impacting their productivity.

Result/outcome: We helped them gain clarity around exactly what was causing their individual stress and provided strategies, tactics and an action plan for mitigating and relieving that stress (including an emphasis on communication and productivity tactics)

Case Study #3

Problem: As a leadership team, they realized how stressed they were and how stressed all of their employees must be. The stress related to everyone having their world turned upside down. Working remotely for the first time ever and the stress that caused both professionally and personally.

Result/outcome: Employees felt supported by leadership. Leadership was on the call and the team appreciated that leadership recognized they were struggling and wanted to bring tools to help them navigate this challenging time both professionally and personally. Leadership’s authenticity and being transparent that they were struggling too, made the team feel even more connected to them. The team is thriving during this challenging time as a result.

Founder Kelly Hatfield, CHPC

Entrepreneur Kelly Hatfield has a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of the ripple effect, a principle that has guided her in establishing multiple successful ventures. These businesses are dedicated to amplifying the impact individuals have in their professional and personal spheres. With a rich background spanning over two and a half decades in recruiting, HR, and leadership development, Kelly is deeply committed to service. Together with her skilled business partners and teams, she has created four thriving enterprises, specializing in pairing outstanding talent with leading companies and fostering their leadership growth. Her dual roles in coaching and consulting to enhance leadership teams and develop recruitment and retention strategies, coupled with her insights as the host of the Absolute Advantage podcast, provide her with a well-rounded perspective on both leadership development and the intricacies of the hiring process.